The Biggest Changes
The biggest changes to math classrooms will not be what is being taught, but how it is being taught and how your student should experience mathematics. Some teachers will look at the eight standards for mathematical practice and say they have done that for years, it is not a big deal. Other teachers will see the eight standards for mathematical practice and say they do not have time to implement these standards as well as process the changes imposed by the math content standards. Other teachers will take the time to really understand how the experience of the student should change and how the practices are asking the student experience to change to give them a deeper understanding of mathematical concepts. It is not difficult to find all three of these types of teachers within the same school building.

Parents that are used to having students learn directly from their textbook or to take notes as the teacher demonstrates their mastery of math subjects and then repeat the process with a different set of values, need to be open to the idea of how students are to be taught today is different from the way they had been taught. Parents who push-back for an agenda for a teacher to provide their student with things to memorize and repeat - are doing both their student and the student's teacher a disservice. Informed parents are a great asset to teachers who are making this shift in how mathematics is experienced. As classroom move from being teacher-centered to student-centered parents will be a tremendous asset for helping students to be more active and accountable in their own learning.

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